[Sunhelp] SS1000(E) vs CPUs

Gregory Leblanc gleblanc at cu-portland.edu
Fri Jan 21 09:21:17 CST 2000

"Bjrn Ramqvist" wrote:
> Has anyone tried fitting SM50's on a SS1000E board?
> The SS1000 had 40MHz Mbus, just like SS10 and those models, while the
> "E"-model had this cranked up to 50MHz, like the SS20.
> From what we've learned before, the SM50 (without E-cache) runs 50MHz
> Mbus, while the SM51's can't keep up to that speed.
> (Like the reason why an SS20/512 would be waste of $$$)

I don't know about them not being able to "keep up" that speed.  Rather,
with SuperSPARC modules with SuperCACHE, the SuperCACHE has to run
faster than the MBUS.  The SM51s have the SuperCACHE running at 50MHz,
which forces the MBUS speed to be 40MHz when in the SS20.  The sM41s,
run the SuperCACHE at something like 40.3 MHz, which allows the MBUS
speed to run at 40MHz.  I suppose if you could crank up the oscilator on
an sM51 a little bit, you might be able to convince it to run with the
50MHz bus speed, but I haven't tried it. (although it sounds like it
might be fun, if I find a good place to pick up Mbus modules really

> I have no hardware to test this, so that's why I'm looking to see if
> anyone have done this before. (out of motherboards and CPUs)
> Ofcourse it's not "supported", but who said running SM100's on SS10 was
> ever supported? :-)

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