[Sunhelp] Sparc question

James Lockwood james at foonly.com
Mon Feb 28 17:25:23 CST 2000

On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Gregory Leblanc wrote:

> The // is a parallel (notice how the lines are parallel) port, for printer
> type things.  I actually found another device that has the same pinout on
> it, it's a Textronics Phaser 300X.  I've got a dongle that goes from that to
> 36-pin centronics, but I have no idea how I could attach it to a printer...

Interesting, I think I remember seeing that.

Note that the lpvi sbus card also includes a parallel port with a funky
connector, but it's a _different_ funky connector (2 more pins).  Argh!

> The other one is AAUI ethernet.  Basically like the AUI ethernet on
> other/older SPARCs, with a higher density connector.  I imagine that they

AAUI = Apple AUI.  Basically an AUI port with a funky connector and no
+12V (+5V only).

The SS20 uses something completely different.  I've got no idea what it's
called, but they aren't compatible.  It also brings +12V out.

> don't get used very often, since the SS20 has an RJ45 connector.  

When the SS10 and SS20 came out Sun got some major flak for not putting an
AUI connector on the back.  Everyone was screaming about how nobody uses
twisted pair anywhere.  Guess they had foresight.


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