[Sunhelp] C Compiler?

ds ds at primenet.com
Fri Feb 18 04:03:38 CST 2000

If the group doesn't mind, I would like to query as to what everyone
might be using for a C compiler?  Are you using gcc from
sunfreeware.com or have you actually purchased C/C++ from Sun?

We currently have gcc installed, but we have downloaded source
such as SATAN and tried to compile it.  We ran into some problems, but
this isn't the first time this has happened either.  We have other
source that we have picked up and had the same type of problems.

Yet, some source compiles fine, and we have ran into situations where
I have made minor changes to ether the source itself or the make file
and it compiled.

Would we be better off laying out the $1,000 (approx?) cash for the
real Sun C/C++ compiler?


Email:	ds at primenet.com
Web:	http://radsl-sullinger.phx.primenet.com/
"As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD"

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