[Sunhelp] hosed up root login... HELP!

ds ds at primenet.com
Fri Feb 18 03:42:07 CST 2000

sunhelp at orn.net wrote:
> > Thank you everyone for the quick responses... unfortunatly the Admin has
> > went ahead and dropped the Sol7 CD in and started rebuilding the box
> > already.
> Is this guy by any chance a Windows NT turned Solaris admin?  The old -
> "blow it all away to fix one little thing" sounds awfully familiar.  If he

No, he has been a VAX Admin for 8 years and then moved over to System V
about 4 years ago, but the dept. he was in never upgraded it, so he has
using the version they first installed 4 years ago.  He has just
starting using Solaris... which is a new learning curve for him.

BTW - I was able to catch him this afternoon and found that he had
the workstation with the Solaris CD to rebuild, but never got around to
actually doing it, so I was able to catch him before he rebuilt it.


Email:	ds at primenet.com
Web:	http://radsl-sullinger.phx.primenet.com/
"As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD"

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