[Sunhelp] hosed up root login... HELP!

sunhelp at orn.net sunhelp at orn.net
Wed Feb 16 14:37:32 CST 2000

> Thank you everyone for the quick responses... unfortunatly the Admin has
> went ahead and dropped the Sol7 CD in and started rebuilding the box
> already.

Is this guy by any chance a Windows NT turned Solaris admin?  The old -
"blow it all away to fix one little thing" sounds awfully familiar.  If he
had been more careful and persistant the cdrom boot WOULD have worked just
fine.  It pays to have patience, sometimes.  Now the next time that this
happens to him, he *still* won't know how to properly fix it.  For people
who cannot resist the urge to edit the passwd file directly, Sun made
admintool -> you cannot ruin the root shell using admintool.  Food for his


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