[Sunhelp] gcc (and others) compiling problems. man -k problem

Bryan Fullerton bryanf at samurai.com
Thu Nov 25 19:16:07 CST 1999

On Fri, Nov 26, 1999 at 01:56:11AM +0100, "Jose Luis.Garcia Pacheco" <jgarciay at supelec-rennes.fr> wrote:
> /usr/ucb/cc:  language optional software package not installed

Solaris doesn't come with a C compiler.  You can buy the Sun compiler if
you'd like to, or you can get a precompiled gcc from sunfreeware.com.

> root:/usr/local/sun/logiciels/gcc- > catman
>  la locale est fr, chemin man /usr/openwin/share/man/fr incorrect
> sh: l_:: Introuvable
>  la locale est fr, chemin man /usr/openwin/man/fr incorrect
> sh: l_:: Introuvable

I haven't seen this one before - obviously it's a problem with the locale,
but I don't know why.  In any case, the command for creating only the windex
files is 'catman -w' - if you run catman without the -w flag it also does man
page preformatting, which may be what's causing the confusion.


Bryan Fullerton                http://www.samurai.com/
Core Competency
Samurai Consulting
Can you feel the Ohmu call?

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