[Sunhelp] Question

Paul Zimdars pzimdars at zerg.crazyfoo.org
Wed Aug 4 01:17:21 CDT 1999

I get this when I try to run traceroute..
I think it happened because I ran aset -l med
and it changed everything.

[pzimdars at paul pzimdars]$ traceroute yahoo.com
traceroute: Warning: ckecksums disabled
traceroute: Warning: yahoo.com has multiple addresses; using
traceroute: icmp socket: Permission denied

How do I fix that by using super user?

What does it all exactly mean?

Paul Zimdars

                        ( o o )
|Paul Zimdars                            (909)496-6040|
|(909)496-6040       .oooO             www.zimcity.net|
|                    (   )   Oooo.                    |
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