[SPARCbook] sparcbook adaptor

Frank Van Damme frank.vandamme at student.kuleuven.ac.be
Tue Jan 28 09:31:08 CST 2003


I got hold of a sparcbook a while ago! A powerlite 110 MHz to be precise... 
Now I have been to quit a bit of computer shops to find a suiteable power 
adaptor, and come to a few conclusions.

1. Nobody knows about RDI (weird?)
2. power adaptors for laptops are pretty expensive (100 eur.). 
3. You have to order them, mostly, so it's a bit a problem to order type X 
if you can't tell the firm "it's for a compaq this-that-so-many" or 
something. Some computerstore-man told me he isn't even sure of the 
polarity, there is a chance you just blow the thing up if you try an 
adaptor with the wrong polarity!
4. You can get a cheap big ugly box which costs a third of that and makes 
you look like a total weirdo if you take it in public. 

To make a long question short: is there someone here who has a F.U.B.A.R. 
Sparcbook or similar with a compatible adaptor, and who is willing to sell 
his "little black box" to me for a moderate price? The thing needs 12V, 4A 
(the box says 4.5 but 4 will probably do, you can put 2 hd's in it and the 
chance I ever find a second one worth putting in is small.)

Frank Van Damme

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