[SPARCbook] PCWLAN interface??

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Fri Aug 9 06:48:16 CDT 2002

Len Rose wrote:
> Wavelan cards worked natively with the sparcbook, so it's not new
> territory. If you're interested, check the archives..

Ok, I remember when those discussions were NEW on the list, and as I
remembered NOBODY could say "I got it working" in fact it just
reconfirmed by belief that I've actually gotten further than anyone else
reports. Reports being the operative word. I was just now hoping that
somebody actually had gotten it working, so could say one way or the
other, as I really don't want to buy an external antenna for this card
only to find out it doesn't work. As I said, I've inserted the card, and
had it recognized by both the hardware, AND the OS. I was able to
ifconfig pcwlan0 but without an antenna I can get no further.

The output of ifconfig -a after inserting the WaveLAN card, and doing
'ifconfig pcwlan0 plumb' is:

lo0: flags=849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 8232
        inet netmask ff000000 
        inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
        ether 0:0:83:ae:15:34 
pcwlan0: flags=842<BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
        inet netmask 0 
        ether 8:0:6a:2a:e3:f1 

And a 'tail /var/adm/messages' gives this: (well actually several more
lines of the same, but I cut them out)

Aug  9 07:35:42 tadpole dhcpagent[1177]: pcwlan0: DHCPDISCOVER : timed
out after 4 secs
Aug  9 07:35:50 tadpole dhcpagent[1177]: pcwlan0: DHCPDISCOVER : timed
out after 8 secs
Aug  9 07:36:06 tadpole dhcpagent[1177]: pcwlan0: DHCPDISCOVER : timed
out after 16 secs
Aug  9 07:36:38 tadpole dhcpagent[1177]: pcwlan0: DHCPDISCOVER : timed
out after 32 secs

So I'll ask again, has anyone else gotten this far with a wavelan card?
in other words, does this look as promising as I think it does?
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