[SPARCbook] G'Day

Extern - Hennig, Bernd (SUN) sparcbook at sunhelp.org
Fri Nov 10 01:46:05 CST 2000


>I guess your work experience was vastly different than mine.  After being
>bought out twice, we basically had 3-5 layers of idiot management above
>us.  Everyone semicluefull got out while they could :)

I knew this very well, I worked here in Germany for
Commodore (tried to sell UNIX with Commodore Amigas and
PC's), than for Garmhausen&Partner (SCO and Informix in
Germany) - and than I worked for myself as a "one-man-show".
This was the time I bought the first Tadpole Sparc. I spent
a time in Australia (working for Sun) - now I'm back in
Germany working for Sun as a freelancer again (in the 
moment in Luxembourg) - with my Tapdpole (one of 3 in use,
the old one in a corner but still  working and doing some
seti at home-work).

The bad thing as a freelancer is: (in a project like this):
you have the idiots from the project (customer), you have
the nice people from sun :-) (we have a joke since 2 years
her in Germany: A Sun manager enters a room and everybody
who is able to spell the word SPARC and not fast enough
to leave the room has 5 seconds later a working-contract 
with Sun).

I work all the time with E10K's and smaller Sun "servers"
but I LOVE my Tadpole 3GX. I'm only sorry that I'm not able
to buy a new UltraSparc from Tadpole... (sigh).

I entered this mailing list because one of my Tadpole died
(the display), a nice guy sold me a Tadpole PC-Laptop with
a 800x600 display and now this Tadpole is up and running

(By the way: We have a lot of jobs here in good old Germany
and a thing called "green card for IT-people" - if anyone
want's to work a time in Germany (up to 5 years) - I'll
help (not commercial, thats not in my mind, but I'll open
some doors and help with the green-card.))


Bernd W. Hennig           DG-Bank Luxembourg, Projekt 9003
Mobile: +49 173 451 6667    E-Mail: Bernd.Hennig at dglux.lu
http://www.hennig.de a n d http://www.hennig.de/consulting
http://www.soaring.de a n d http://www.motorflug.de

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