[SPARCbook] egocentric moron ..

Lion Templin ltemplin at leonine.com
Fri Mar 31 00:28:52 CST 2000

On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, Mike Goumans wrote:

> There is a real issue with lack of respect from the newer brand of folk
> who beleive that they were the ones who built things the way they are, and
> not those that actually were behind the scenes and created what we have
> now.

This has been going on for ages, young upstart whipper-snappers gettin'
uppity with the local elders.  Is nothing new, and in fact, even more
prevailant in regions of interest that comprise fast moving concepts and
technologies where the wisdom the elders can give the freah meat is
worthless and outdated so quickly.  Of course the kiddies are going to think
themselves superior to everyone else ... didn't you know everything and
could take on the world at 15?  :)

Now mind you, this doesn't excuse the kiddie's behavior, but people should
have a better understanding of their motivations, and perhaps make more
informed decisions about their reactions.

> Personally I feel there is a very small list of people who can say what
> they truly think and should have everyone listen and respect what they
> have to say.

Who's going to listen?  How can you force the kiddies, who so desperately
need the lessons, to listen to someone they don't respect?  You can't.  And
solving the problem by using technology to LIMIT people only breeds
resentment in this equality-centric age.

> Len is one of those on the list. He helped guide the net in a major way to
> what it is now, and people should have a bit more respect when he says
> something. 
> Nobody who knows who he is and what he has accomplished would ever say
> anything near what you said to him under any circumstances. Almost
> everyone here would not have the job they do if it wasnt for Len and the
> others like him who built and guided the net to what it has now become.

So, this Len hasn't received the proper respect due to him ... in my mind,
when people show disrespect for me it's a simple task to ignore them.  But
just as well, simply because he's got years in the industry does NOT give
him rights to say such things as:

> > Quoting Len Rose <len at netsys.com>:
> > > Go back to playing with your linux peecee but don't fuck with the real 
> > > hackers who've preceeded you by at least 15 years.

In fact, it should be more the case that the 'elders' should know better by
far to hold their tongues.  The kids are going to learn their lessons, no
matter if people intervene or not.  A lot of times it's "or not".  And so,
they learn from the "School of Hard Knocks", and maybe they learn the
lessons better that way .. though cartainly not easier.  They're kids,
they're stupid as all hell, but Len sure isn't generating a /reason/ for
them to have respect for him by saying such things.  Quiet confidence speaks
greater volumes of respect and proper etiquette than blatent ranting, if
you've contributed to the development of /anything/ .. you know it, an
arrogant little kid should shake your underlayment of achievement.

And I've indignified myself enough for even responding, I admit to not
reading most of this thread, and just slamming "d" (as any good list reader
should!) until I got bored and read this recent message.  (which, it might
be possible that I'm mistaken about the quoting of "Len Rose" above, and if
so, ignore my babblings .. ) I promise not to respond to this thread again
.. :)


= lion is Lion J Templin (KB9ENE)                         lion at leonine.com =
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