[SPARCbook] PCFS lockup

Rainer Canavan canavan at triton.informatik.uni-bonn.de
Tue Mar 28 04:45:33 CST 2000

Hmmm, yesterday I tried copying one file (~220MB) to a Wintel Notebook using
one of the 170MB Calluna cards. First of all, when mounting it via "mount -F
pcfs /dev/dsk/c1d0s2 /rdisk" I was unable to write more than 16MB to them,
afterwards the kernel complains about a corupted filesystem. Needless to say
that formatting on a PC doesn't help. 

I then tried the Mtools to reformat the disk on the Sparcbook, using the
geometry the cards advertise (AFAIR, 1295 cylinders, 8 heads, 32 sectors),
but the >1023 cylinders seem to cause total system lockup upon mounting
(Yes, that's still Solaris 2.5.1 I'm using... where can i report this bug?).
(the "good" news it than one can at least dd if=/dev/zero that thing in
Solaris, with windows, insertion of one of these causes a bluescreen with no
way out but a reboot).

I did succeed in getting the file over with dd if=[...] bs=1024 skip=...
|count=163000? | mcopy - z:

But that's dog slow, just like the pcfs mount. Anyone with better ideas?


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