[SPARCbook] CVS Help

Swift Kick sparcbook at sunhelp.org
Mon Dec 18 21:52:19 CST 2000

Ok, let's see...

oscar.g.farah at census.gov wrote:
> I have spent more than "5 or 10 minutes browsing through www.sunhelp.org
> or www.sunguru.com and looking at the FAQs and other resources available
> (I *do* know that there is a number of FAQs at these sites,right?)". I was
> trying to find something "related to SparcBook issues," and not "to
> Solaris" in the area of who you can "Call an ass" or give a Swift Kick to. 
> But I was not able to find anything.

Uhm.  How would CVS behave differently on a SparcBook as opposed to say,
on a Ultra Enterprise 6500 (other than run faster)? Simple. It wouldn't.
It's revision control software, nothing else. There is no hardware 
interaction done by CVS, which means that CVS on a box X will run
exactly the same on box Y as long as they have the same OS (aside from
the usual differences in speed, etc).
 The reason you were unable to find anything was because well, there is
nothing out there about CVS on a SparcBook. Of course, had you spent 4
minutes on a web browser hitting google.com/altavista.com or
freshmeat.net, you'd have seen www.cvshome.org, and see the list of
platforms supported (at http://www.cvshome.org/dev/codes.html), and the
whole list of documentation resources available
 Of course, it's easier to have someone else do it for you, like I just

> Of course, this message would
> have been more constructive if the sender would have demonstrated his vast
> knowledge by giving specific list names instead of " ... there are lists
> for that ..."

Read above. It's not about knowledge, it's about dilligence.

> Now that I got my 1 cent's worth.

No comment.

> I have another question that I hope will be approved as "Sparcbook type":

Nope, it's another Solaris newbie question.

> Using a 3COM-3C589, I connect to the Internet using Netscape. Both
> "nslookup" and "arp" use the DNS address I entered in a "resolv.conf" file
> placed in the /etc directory; Netscape does not. What trick do you need to
> pull to make Netscape recognize the existence of "resolv.conf"?

That's nice. Using a US Robotics 56k modem, I connect to the 'Internet'
using a phone line.  I use Netscape to browse the web, that's about it.

What does your resolv.conf file look like? Do you just have an IP and
nothing else, or do you actually have meaningful entries in the file,
such as:

search domains.to.search
domainname your.domain.name.goes.here (if any)
nameserver nameserver.ip.goes.here
nameserver secondary.nameserver.ip.here

Do you have a /etc/defaultrouter? do you have a
/etc/hostname.interfacename (i.e. /etc/hostname.pcelx0 or

> Oscar Farah
> P.S. - if you would like to respond to my question an are afraid to do it
> because someone may decide that it is not "Sparcbook type" enough, then
> please reply to me directly and not to the list! Just remember, to satisfy
> some people, we need to keep the list devoid of any Solaris questions!!

To satisfy me, I'd like you to *READ THE SOLARIS FAQ* on sunhelp.org. 
Optimally, you could sell/donate your SparcBook to someone who might
make better use of it, but somehow I believe the odds of that happening
are the same as of you actually reading any of the Solaris FAQs....


Paul Santos                                      uzziel at erols.com

Version: 3.12
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