[SPARCbook] battery connector?

Sunder sunder at brainlink.com
Fri Aug 27 11:44:18 CDT 1999

Break out your trust volt meter, measure away and post here. :)  Likely half
are ground and the other +12V, though they could have split it up in half or

There's also another interesting port on the right side of the back of the
sparcbook, it's covered by rubber and has a bunch of clips. It's right in the
area where the power jack is, so it may be power related too...

Derrick J Brashear wrote:
> anyone figured out what the 5 "pins" on the connector map to? i had meant
> to do this so i could look into building a replacement battery, but i've
> been busy hacking on various linux bits (for this, and some other stuff)

---------------------------- Kaos Keraunos Kybernetos -------------------- 
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