[SPARCbook] Solaris 2.6 media

Sunder sunder at brainlink.com
Fri Aug 27 11:19:45 CDT 1999

We tried.  I wrote an open letter to them, some on this list commented to the
effect of "why should they?" others sent their own comments to Tadpole. 
Basically the only effect was to add lots of noise to this list with no

If we aren't united in a petition, if some of us business majors take the side
of "well they have to make money somehow" and "Tadpoles are expensive, if you
aren't willing to spend the $450 for patches, why should they listen?" then of
course it's doomed to fail.


Eric Busto wrote:
> As for Tadpole not putting the Solaris 7 patches on ftp.. would a petition
> of sorts make any difference, you guys think?  Hell, its worth a shot, I'd
> think, as I certainly don't have $450 to spend.

---------------------------- Kaos Keraunos Kybernetos -------------------- 
 + ^ +  Sunder              "The real aim of current policy is to     /|\ 
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they start making vacuum cleaners."

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