[SPARCbook] Re: Can't boot 3GX off the external SCSI floppy

James Garnett garnett at suod.cs.colorado.edu
Sat Aug 14 15:18:19 CDT 1999

...and meanwhile back in Gotham City, Dennis Taylor (dennis) wrote:
> I'm trying to remove
> Solaris from my machine. 

A noble endeavor.

> I've tried booting off both the Red Hat and
> NetBSD SPARC boot disks, using the following command:
> 	ok  boot /iommu/sbus/espdma/esp/sd at 5,0

Just fyi, depending on which NetBSD sparc floppy you use, it won't work. 
Here's a snippet out of the FAQ:

     The boot-14.fs and its matching ramdisk-14.fs distributed with 1.4 do not 
     work correctly. The best option is probably to use the sysinst using 
     images syboot-14.fs or synetbsd.ram which should be in the same directory 

In practice, I've found that *any* floppy install is just too painful relative
to booting from CD (which works instantly and well), or to bringing Solaris
down to single-user and dd'ing the NetBSD miniroot onto the swap partition
and booting off of that.


James Garnett                             Department of Computer Science 
Research Assistant                        The University of Colorado at Boulder

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