[rescue] Wanted: Sparc Compilers and Engineering and math software

Stefan Skoglund stefan.skoglund at agj.net
Fri May 10 03:08:50 CDT 2019

fre 2019-05-10 klockan 04:14 +0000 skrev Chase Rayfield:
> I'm interested in anything that will run on up to a maxed out SS20 on
> Solaris. Also I seem to have lost my last copy of Opera if anyone has
> the very last version I'd appreciate it! Opera still hosts most of
> these but they seem to have lost a few of the later Solaris releases.
> I think it might have been 9.24 I feel like there might have been a
> release after but but I'm not sure?
> I'm looking for Forte 6u2 installation media specifically (I have the
> trial license at least). But anything else will also be of interest
> for archival purposes.
> If anyone has any other original interesting engineering or
> scientific software I'd be interested also. So far I don't think I've
> ever seen anything other than web and oracle software show up on ebay
> unfortunately.

My old school had KEE in a number of courses. I personally never got
exposed to it but if someone happens to have it ....
Some of the teacher had a interest in Prolog.

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