[rescue] Fwd: Wifi-Ethernet adapter on SPARC 10

Michael Parson mparson at bl.org
Tue Jul 16 10:33:27 CDT 2019

On 2019-07-16 09:46, Peter Stokes wrote:
>> On 16 Jul 2019, at 15:05, john <jferg977 at aol.com> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> We're moving to St Petersburg, FL where we'll live in an apartment
>> building.B  I've been using Cisco Powerline Ethernet boxes in our 
>> present
>> house to connect the SparcStation 10 and the machines in the garage to
>> our otherwise wi-fi network.
>> I'd like not to use the Powerline boxes in the new place and wonder if
>> anyone here has had success with one of the wifi-ethernet adapters on
>> one of the old Sun machines?B  I would think that if the adapter was 
>> well
>> conceived it would look just like ethernet to the Sun, but then I
>> started to worry about configuration.
>> Can this work?

> Hi
> Works very well. There are commercial options and you can also use 
> DD-WRT open
> source to reflash a wide range of hubs. I have used this for various 
> systems
> and desktop boxes and it just works.....
> Suggest a 100mb card in your SS10
> See
> https://www.wired.com/2011/02/diy-wifi-bridging-with-dd-wrt/amp

That's probably the route I'd go, and in fact have done in the past. The 
last time I looked, wifi/ethernet bridges tended to cost nearly as much 
as some of the lower-end dd-wrt/tomato/etc capable routers, and don't 
have near the functionality.  Pick up a capable router, configure it to 
bridge over wifi and you can connect multiple systems up on the ethernet 
end, either through the built-in ether switch, or by adding a switch to 
the mix.

Another option is to use MoCa devices and bridge your network from 
room-to-room over (potentially) existing cable-TV coax.  The current 
generation of MoCa devices are gigabit capable.  My current setup uses 
MoCa bridges to connect my office on one side of my house to the living 
room on the other side, have a wifi router on each end, which gives me a 
few ethernet ports for some older gear that doesn't do wifi as well as 
extending the wifi to cover the other side of my house where I had low 
signal before.

The devices I bought (got the 2 pack, need at least 2, can buy 
additional if you want to extend to other rooms):


Michael Parson
Pflugerville, TX

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