[rescue] Desk-height DEC "half rack"?

John Francini francini at mac.com
Fri Jan 20 14:08:23 CST 2017

They were also used for PDP-8/A - based systems.

>From Doug Jonesb excellent PDP-8 history page: "By February 1975, the
PDP-8/A was being sold in a workstation configuration, with the CPU and dual
8" diskette drives in a desk with a video terminal (VT52) and optional letter
quality printer on top. For the educational market, this configuration was
marketed as the CLASSIC. As an office system, such configurations were
marketed as DECDataSystemsb. b


> On 20 Jan 2017, at 11:31 , alex d <azd30 at telus.net> wrote:
>> Does anybody recognize/remember what I'm talking about?  If so, what was
>> official DEC part name / description for this?  And most important, where
>> I get one, or something very similar, nowdays?
> Yes. It was an option for the LSI11/03 and the LSI11/23, and it was called a
desk side enclosure (for the part number look into the DEC 1983 Handbook).
> Designed to house the CPU and dual RX floppy drives, it's often shown in DEC
literature with a terminal sitting on top...
> Nothing magic about it. it's basically a 19" rack. if you want the DEC one,
it won't be cheap. I would look around for an ex. audio rack (like a roadie
> or an ex-server room rack. They can be had for a good deal, and are usually
high quality
> cheers
> alex
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