[rescue] Looking for copy of "Sunmos" or "OSF/1 AD"
Barry Keeney
barryk at chaoscon.com
Tue Oct 18 15:21:04 CDT 2016
Quick check Stephen, hasn't been at Sandia for years, his
linkedin shows him at HP now (another company I've worked at):
Looking at some of the Sandia software sites shows that they're
still working on lightweight kernels developed from what they've
learned with "Sunmos", one of them might be interesting, Kitten
is one...
Searching Sandia's internal sites (I have access, don't
ask how :^) I haven't been able to find out where or if Sunmos
is still out there for download. It's several generations behind
more current software they're working on so it might have been
removed from the internal download sites because it's so old.
When I was at Sandia, I was working with Cougar, and it
was a bit old at the time, Cplant was the new system they were
developing then. I remember Cplant started off as a dual boot
Microsoft/Linux Cluster, but MicoSoth sucked Soooo bad it wasn't
long before the hardware was switched to just Linux.
I've got some emails out to old co-workers who might know
when it might be saved, I haven't heard back from them yet.
On Tue, 18 Oct 2016, Richard wrote:
> Hi Barry and Andrew
> Thank you both for taking the time. Had read up on SUNMOS on similar
> wiki's but didn't see the one with Stephen's contact details so thank
> you for that.
> I have reached out to Stephen but the mailer system is suggesting that
> it can't deliver to cs.sandia.gov...will see what happens and if it
> times
> out completely.
> Greatly appreciate any other leads or insights anyone might have.
> Cheers
> Richard
> On Mon, 17 Oct 2016, at 02:23 PM, Barry Keeney wrote:
>> On Sun, 16 Oct 2016, Sandwich Maker wrote:
>>> " From: Richard <ejb at trick-1.net>
>>> "
>>> " Hi Folks
>>> "
>>> " I already know this is a very very very long shot but here goes.
>>> "
>>> " Background: I have a single Intel Paragon board, SCSI/Network/Serial
>>> " Console all in one, so its a bit more than a node or standard service
>>> " board. I am looking to power up standalone and hopefully get a monitor
>>> " rom prompt of some sort out of the serial port. The available hardware
>>> " suggests and reading suggests this is a reasonable expectation.
>>> "
>>> " I have also found information (yet to power up and confirm with tcpdump)
>>> " that indicates that this board will TFTP boot if politely asked to do
>>> " so.
>>> "
>>> " The objective is to boot the boad via TFTP. femtoParagon anyone ;-)
>>> "
>>> " What I am looking for is a copy of "Sunmos" to see if indeed I can
>>> " tftpboot the light weight kernel onto a standalone board....OK so OSF/1
>>> " AD would do also (hence the subject) but everything I have read suggests
>>> " that this would be overkill..
>>> "
>>> " before I started the project (or obtained the board) is looks like
>>> " Sunmos used to be available at
>>> "
>>> " ftp://ftp.cs.sandia.gov/pub/sunmos/
>>> "
>>> " however link death as stolen that form me.....
>>> ftp sites are vanishing due i think to basic insecurity.
>>> " If anyone can help that would be greatly appreciated.
>>> how about
>>> http://www.thefullwiki.org/SUNMOS
>>> http://dbpedia.org/page/SUNMOS
>>> and
>>> http://www.netlib.org/utk/misc/sw_survey/urc/html/75.1.html
>>> which lists
>>> contact
>>> Stephen R. Wheat / srwheat at cs.sandia.gov
>> Wow, Sandia, my old stomping ground when I worked on the ASCI-Red
>> super computer.
>> I read the links above and it reminded me so much of Red.
>> I don't remember ever meeting Stephen Wheat but I'm not good
>> with names.
>> If I get the chance I'll see if some of my old co-workers
>> know anything, if they're still around, no promises...
>> Barry Keeney
>> Chaos Consulting
>> email barryk at chaoscon.com
>> "Atheist: A person who doesn't need imaginary friends"
>> "Rap is Square Dancing gone terribly, terribly Wrong...."
>> "MicroSoft Windows - Running our defences until they all bluescreen
>> during the Cylon attack..."
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Barry Keeney
Chaos Consulting
email barryk at chaoscon.com
"Atheist: A person who doesn't need imaginary friends"
"Rap is Square Dancing gone terribly, terribly Wrong...."
"MicroSoft Windows - Running our defences until they all bluescreen during the Cylon attack..."
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