[rescue] Help needed with Sun V65x

r.stricklin bear at typewritten.org
Tue Feb 18 20:32:37 CST 2014

On Feb 18, 2014, at 9:10 AM, Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:

> the Indy was about $5K at introduction.

and all but unusable in that configuration. By the time you spec'ed one to do
actual work, you were in for well over $10k.

Sun retreated to the high end after such knockout bargain successes like the
SLC, and the SPARCclassic and the SPARCstation 4 ($3995). The SS5 (~$5k) was
the only real knockout success. The follow on to that, the Ultra 5, sold in
vast numbers only because it came out at a time when ecommerce companies were
shoveling money into furnaces.


until further notice

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