[rescue] Recycled P4 machines - Re: Fixed LCD's?

David Brownlee abs at absd.org
Fri Feb 14 12:06:17 CST 2014

On 14 February 2014 17:43, Andrew Hoerter <amh at pobox.com> wrote:
> On 2/14/14, Phil Stracchino <phils at caerllewys.net> wrote:
>> I've been really thinking about whether I should develop a long-term
>> plan around using some newer low-power device, a mini-ITX platform or
>> something of the kind, but I don't really know enough about hardware in
>> that class to know what would be the best approach.  And it has to be
>> something I can run OpenBSD on.
> Lots of people run OpenBSD firewalls on the ALIX boards:
> http://www.pcengines.ch/alix.htm
> Might be worth a look.  They top out at 3 Ethernet ports though, which
> might not be enough for you.

I have a few Alix boards as onsite OpenVPN routers running NetBSD.
Make sure you know whether a battery backed up RTC is important to you
:) The alix2d13 gives three Ethernet, a mini PCI for wifi and two USBs
(handy to be able to plug in a random android device for 3G backup...

They are not the fastest of boxes, so I probably wouldn't pick one if
I needed to saturate a full 100mbit link with the VPN :)

As an aside my SAN choice has for a while been the small AMD based HP
Microservers - fast enough to run xen (or your visualising system of
choice), 2* PCI-E for extra network, usb externally and on the mobo,
and using the 5 1/4 bay gives a total of 5 SATA devices to allow a
sane RAID5 system.

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