[rescue] US mirror for DINA, was Re: External SCSI CDROM for SGI?

Steven M Jones smj+rescue at crash.com
Sat Nov 6 14:54:11 CDT 2010

Dan Sikorski wrote:
> Got excited to use this tonight, but the site is pretty slow.  Anyone 
> have this mirrored somewhere faster (in the US)?

I've got a mirror of DINA setup here for the time 
being: http://www.shiftleft.com/mirrors/nekochan/DINA/   It's at a 
well-connected colo in Santa Clara, CA, US - /but I don't have unlimited 
bandwidth so please be considerate/.

I haven't had a chance to play with it myself, yet, but hope to soon. I 
can't take swapping all those CDs again... ;^)


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