[rescue] Stuff to dispense with pt 1.

Patrick Finnegan pat at computer-refuge.org
Thu Apr 15 17:39:59 CDT 2010

Looks like I forgot to mention, this is all in a commercial building in 
downtown Lafayette, IN, USA, zip 47901.


On Thursday 15 April 2010, Patrick Finnegan wrote:
> This is what I'm attempting to get rid of from my warehouse.   I
>  would like to get something for the machines, but mostly want to
>  make sure that the stuff doesn't get scrapped.  Everything is
>  assumed to work, but I have no guarantees that it does, and it
>  hasn't been turned on in quite a while, but it has been stored in a
>  climate-controlled warehouse.  I'm open to some trades, and
>  negotiable on prices for most stuff.  I'm not willing to ship
>  anything myself, but may be willing to drop it off somewhere to be
>  shipped - I mostly don't have time to pack this stuff. Email me for
>  more info on any of this stuff.
> For the most part, this stuff needs to be gone by May 14th- when I
>  leave for Dayton Hamvention.  I may be able to bring smaller
>  (desktop box) stuff with me, but larger stuff I won't be able to
>  transport to the show with everything else I'm bringing.  Some of
>  the stuff will start disappearing at the end of next week via scrap
>  or eBay if I don't hear anything by then.
> + VAX 8700 w/ TU-81+ and SA482.  Haven't had a chance to power up,
>  and will keep this if I don't get a good offer.  Want around $500
>  for it. + DG Nova 2 w/ PERTEC 9-track tape drive and dual 8" floppy.
>  Asking $750, this will go to eBay if I don't get any takers. + DG
>  Nova 4.  Have 3 or 4, some missing the front-panel. 3rd party
>  Disk/QIC tape rackmount box that goes with them.
> + BA-11 10.5" tall UNIBUS expansion boxes.  $25 each
> + SGI Onyx prototype machine.  The same size and chassis as a
>  Challenge XL.  $100
> + PDP-11/23 w/RL02s in corporate cab. $200
> + RM-02 drives.  I have 4, want to keep at least one.  Never had much
> luck getting them to work with my RH-11 on my 11/84, but I don't
>  think there's anything wrong with the drives themselves.  $200 each
>  + VAX 4000/200.  I have two or 3 of these.  $100 each
> + DEC CMR53.  2 of these. A pdp-11/53 system with some special
> communications cards in them. $100 each
> + AlphaServer 4100. $20
> + Various VAXstation 3100s for whatever I can get for them
> + 4 tape drives from IBM 3480-B22 tape units.  I've considered saving
> this for spares, but I'm not sure I care enough.
> + IBM S/390 G5 coupling facility.  I'd really like to find the
> replacement software for the SE to make it into a "standard" CPU, so
> that I can at least run Linux on it, but I'm not sure that's likely.
> $200.
> + Encore Mulitmax UNIX box. 32 x NS32332 processors and 128MB ram,
>  and a 2nd rack with a 9-track tape drive and some 8" hard disks.
>  $250. + General Automation SPC16/40 and 16/45.  Missing the front
>  panel for one of the two, have an I/O box, and PSUs.  needs some
>  repair work.  One of the PSUs needs new capacitors. Will keep unless
>  I can get $500 or so for the both of them.
> + HP 1000 E-series, I think.  Two of these.  $200 each?
> + IBM RS/6000 SP.  I've got one frame with quad-375MHz POWER3-II thin
> nodes, and one high node (16GB ram, 16 x 375MHz).  $200
> + DEC VT240 terminals.  Probably 10. $5 each
> + IBM 9343-C02 DASD box.  I have someone interested, but haven't
>  heard from them in a while, and am not sure how interested they
>  really are ... I'd like to get $100 for it.
> + Two Amiga 2000 Video Toaster boxes.  I may end up keeping one. 
>  $100. + Various IBM UNIX desktop systems, desktop VAXes, etc.  $5
>  each. + Altos 8000 and 8600 systems. $10 each.
> + Tektronix 4010 terminal.  $100.
> + Tullamore/Victoreen SCIPP 1600 1600-channel pulse-height analyzer.
> Powers up, but not tested much more than that.  Looks cool, and has
>  CORE memory inside.  $50.  Some pics I took a while ago:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/vax-o-matic/sets/72157622536984302/
> That's all I can recall for now.
> Pat

Purdue University Research Computing ---  http://www.rcac.purdue.edu/
The Computer Refuge                  ---  http://computer-refuge.org

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