[rescue] Stuff to dispense with pt 1.

Patrick Finnegan pat at computer-refuge.org
Thu Apr 15 16:25:27 CDT 2010

This is what I'm attempting to get rid of from my warehouse.   I would 
like to get something for the machines, but mostly want to make sure 
that the stuff doesn't get scrapped.  Everything is assumed to work, but 
I have no guarantees that it does, and it hasn't been turned on in quite 
a while, but it has been stored in a climate-controlled warehouse.  I'm 
open to some trades, and negotiable on prices for most stuff.  I'm not 
willing to ship anything myself, but may be willing to drop it off 
somewhere to be shipped - I mostly don't have time to pack this stuff.  
Email me for more info on any of this stuff.

For the most part, this stuff needs to be gone by May 14th- when I leave 
for Dayton Hamvention.  I may be able to bring smaller (desktop box) 
stuff with me, but larger stuff I won't be able to transport to the show 
with everything else I'm bringing.  Some of the stuff will start 
disappearing at the end of next week via scrap or eBay if I don't hear 
anything by then.

+ VAX 8700 w/ TU-81+ and SA482.  Haven't had a chance to power up, and 
will keep this if I don't get a good offer.  Want around $500 for it.
+ DG Nova 2 w/ PERTEC 9-track tape drive and dual 8" floppy. 
Asking $750, this will go to eBay if I don't get any takers.
+ DG Nova 4.  Have 3 or 4, some missing the front-panel. 3rd party 
Disk/QIC tape rackmount box that goes with them.
+ BA-11 10.5" tall UNIBUS expansion boxes.  $25 each
+ SGI Onyx prototype machine.  The same size and chassis as a Challenge 	
XL.  $100
+ PDP-11/23 w/RL02s in corporate cab. $200  
+ RM-02 drives.  I have 4, want to keep at least one.  Never had much 
luck getting them to work with my RH-11 on my 11/84, but I don't think
there's anything wrong with the drives themselves.  $200 each
+ VAX 4000/200.  I have two or 3 of these.  $100 each
+ DEC CMR53.  2 of these. A pdp-11/53 system with some special 
communications cards in them. $100 each
+ AlphaServer 4100. $20
+ Various VAXstation 3100s for whatever I can get for them
+ 4 tape drives from IBM 3480-B22 tape units.  I've considered saving 
this for spares, but I'm not sure I care enough.
+ IBM S/390 G5 coupling facility.  I'd really like to find the 
replacement software for the SE to make it into a "standard" CPU, so 
that I can at least run Linux on it, but I'm not sure that's likely.  
+ Encore Mulitmax UNIX box. 32 x NS32332 processors and 128MB ram, and a 
2nd rack with a 9-track tape drive and some 8" hard disks. $250.
+ General Automation SPC16/40 and 16/45.  Missing the front panel for 
one of the two, have an I/O box, and PSUs.  needs some repair work.  One 
of the PSUs needs new capacitors. Will keep unless I can get $500 or so 
for the both of them.
+ HP 1000 E-series, I think.  Two of these.  $200 each?
+ IBM RS/6000 SP.  I've got one frame with quad-375MHz POWER3-II thin 
nodes, and one high node (16GB ram, 16 x 375MHz).  $200
+ DEC VT240 terminals.  Probably 10. $5 each
+ IBM 9343-C02 DASD box.  I have someone interested, but haven't heard 
from them in a while, and am not sure how interested they really are ... 
I'd like to get $100 for it.
+ Two Amiga 2000 Video Toaster boxes.  I may end up keeping one.  $100.
+ Various IBM UNIX desktop systems, desktop VAXes, etc.  $5 each.
+ Altos 8000 and 8600 systems. $10 each.
+ Tektronix 4010 terminal.  $100.
+ Tullamore/Victoreen SCIPP 1600 1600-channel pulse-height analyzer. 
Powers up, but not tested much more than that.  Looks cool, and has CORE 
memory inside.  $50.  Some pics I took a while ago: 

That's all I can recall for now.

Purdue University Research Computing ---  http://www.rcac.purdue.edu/
The Computer Refuge                  ---  http://computer-refuge.org

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