[rescue] quad head pci video cards

Sparr sparr0 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 5 00:11:19 CST 2009

My first post to the list, at the recommendation of an acquaintance.
Greetings to everyone, and on to business...

I have a box full of old Colorgraphics Evolution 4 cards, about 30 of
them, but with only about 25 of the 'squid' 4xVGA dongles that go with
them.  I picked them up with the idea of playing with large display
walls, the most I ever did was an old box with three of them for a 4x3
wall.  In my limited playing with them, I got them to work in Win95
with the old official drivers, and in linux I used cirrus drivers and
they behaved like 2x 2-mirrored devices, while in WinXP they show up
as a single cirrus display due to lack of compatible drivers.  I'd be
happy to let the lot of them go pretty cheap, or even to trade for
something more modern and interesting, and less bulky.  I am in
Atlanta, and willing to pack them to ship if necessary.

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