[rescue] looking for specific hard drive (WD2500JB)

Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. rescue at hawkmountain.net
Thu Aug 28 11:49:46 CDT 2008

Know this isn't 'rescue' in terms of 'classic' hardware... but
people here usually have at least a pointer to where to get
what I'm looking for :-)

I have a box at home that does mirrored WD2500JB IDE (PATA)
drives.  One failed... so now I've used up my spare.  I'd like to
keep a spare around... so I'm looking for a good used drive,
unused spare, or new old stock of this model to replenish my
spare 'pool'.

I'm faced with finding one of these or buying a couple of new
(larger) drives and migrating....

As 250G is getting 'small' these days... hoping someone
has or know someone who has one of these they don't need
and can part with on the cheap.

Alternately if you have a pair of good used, spare, new old
stock 250G to 500G PATA drives (matching)... let me know.


  -- Curt

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