[rescue] Quantum Snap! Server

Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. rescue at hawkmountain.net
Thu Aug 28 10:28:52 CDT 2008

Drat... my electron guzzler tax is goin' to be large this year...
(meant to reply to sender, not group.... )

Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. wrote:
> When more of these become available, please let me know...
> I (obviously) missed out on the first one :-)
> Also might be interested in a DL380 G1 or 2 ?
> Thanks,
> -- Curt
> Robert Darlington wrote:
>> Wow, that was fast.  A guy that is about 20 miles from me just 
>> claimed it.
>> In the future I will have at least 3 more of these, potentially a 
>> stack of
>> HP DL380 servers (original, Gen 1, 7 years old, etc.).
>> Thanks guys,
>> Bob
>> On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 3:16 PM, Robert Darlington 
>> <rdarlington at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> A buddy of mine moved to Australia, and instead of dragging 
>>> equipment to
>>> the land down undah, he gave it to me.  I have a vintage Quantum Snap!
>>> Server  M4100 with count em, four 40GB Quantum Fireball hard drives 
>>> inside
>>> for a total of 160GB if you stripe across all of them or about 120GB 
>>> if you
>>> setup as RAID5.  The model number is 70700139-01, serial number 
>>> 514115.  I
>>> don't have the disks to reinstall the OS.  I didn't bother booting 
>>> it up,
>>> however my buddy says it works and he cleared off all his personal 
>>> info.
>>> It's a 1U network attached storage device that is roughly 17" or 18" 
>>> square
>>> by 1U high.  There is an ethernet port on the back, fan, and power 
>>> connector
>>> (regular PC power cord), no rack ears, no rails.  I popped the cover 
>>> and
>>> there is a little dust, but it's pretty clean considering how old it 
>>> is.  No
>>> disk access without popping the top unfortunately.   I believe this 
>>> thing
>>> runs either some form of BSD or Linux with Samba.   Free + cost of 
>>> shipping
>>> if anybody wants it.  Also, let it be known, I am notoriously bad at 
>>> finding
>>> time to go to the post office, but do eventually get things out 
>>> -usually 2
>>> weeks after I say I will.  I'm working on that.
>>> -Bob D
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