[rescue] rescue Digest, Vol 69, Issue 37

Earl Baugh earl at baugh.org
Thu Aug 21 15:45:28 CDT 2008

After hearing some comments, I'd be willing to offer up the $12.95,
and to act as the facilitator to receive them, dig up the
magnifying glass and offer them up (I believe I can only use one for
an E220R or E420R...but the rest would be
offered out...)   If this is of interest let me know.

Earl Baugh

p.s. I also have E220R and E420R front plastic panels and various
pieces from both chassis if anybody is of in need...

> Hi,
> I've got ten "CPU modules" as working pulls from
> various machines I've had over the years.  Forgive
> the ignorance in how to describe them... they are
> the sort that come out of U2, U60, etc.
> I have *no* inclination to dig up a magnifying
> glass to try to read the *&^%W(*& part numbers
> off the things!  :<  Some, I had labeled in the
> past:  450MHz 4MB, 300MHz 2MB, etc.  Some are
> not yet labeled.  :<
> I'd just like to drop them in a $12.95 USPS flat
> rate box (they won't all fit in an $8.95 box and
> I don't want to sort them!) and ship them to someone.
> So, for $12.95, their yours...
> (I believe the USPS only allows this rate to be used
> for domestic mail)

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