[rescue] Repair of mylar ribbon cables

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Mon Apr 14 14:16:39 CDT 2008

Nadine Miller wrote:
> Any of the soldering geeks out there have any suggestions for 
> re-attaching a male molex-type connector to a mylar ribbon cable?
> I have 2 cables from iPod click wheels where one of the pins has been 
> pulled loose from the logic board connector.  I'd like to try to repair 
> them before plunking down the cash to get replacements.  The connector 
> has legs on it similar to an IC.
> It looks like it might re-flow if it was pressed together and re-heated, 
> but was wondering if anyone had any better suggestions.  I have basic 
> soldering equipment here, but no access to a temperature controlled iron 
> at the moment.

I would suggest that you should borrow a temperature-controlled iron.

Anyone know what the melting point of said mylar is?  Is it too low to 
use a hot air rig?

Peace...  Sridhar

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