[rescue] Curses, foiled again

Mark md.benson at gmail.com
Mon May 21 02:40:14 CDT 2007

On 21 May 2007, at 01:55, Bill Bradford wrote:

> On Mon, May 21, 2007 at 01:39:03AM +0100, Mark wrote:
>> What type of ScnaDoubler have you go on the 2000 you started out
>> with?
> Won't work - the one in the 2000 is one of the "remove video chip from
> motherboard socket, plug chip into board, plug board into socket"  
> types:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrbill/480626683

Hmm rats.

>> Also - be aware that rigging a 23-pin to 15-pin RGB monitor cable is
>> zero use unless you have a multiscan

> I'm aware of this - if my existing monitor won't sync down that  
> far, I'll
> just have to hold off doing any work on the A4000 until I can get a  
> monitor
> that does, or find an old 1080/1084 for cheap (as I can't put any more
> money into Amiga stuff for the time being).

you'll be lucky to find a genuine Commodore monitor that's still  
alive. They were usually of such poor build quality they died long  
ago. That said, the 1084 was a Philips monitor in a new casing so  
they might have held out better, I know the newer multiscan (1940  
etc.) ones were notorious for dry jointing and suchlike, so much so  
that people often just dumped em.

> I've got a source for a Picasso IV board, but the seller wants $160  
> and
> I don't have that kind of money spare right now for "toys", and  
> couldn't
> justify it if I did..

Stop it, you're making me remember how much I've spent on mine  
<groan> ;o)

Mark Benson

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