[rescue] HP Visualize C200 Workstations

Lucyen Gabbard lucyen at uark.edu
Tue Jun 12 17:26:48 CDT 2007

>> That's because they're built by the old HP.
>> Which is to say, they're built like tanks.

> [HP] specifically added heavier gauge metal to the chassis because  
> often the server would be replacing a much larger, older machine.
> The old gurus would come by and slap the side of the machine,  
> expecting to demonstrate that the new machine was a lightweight piece  
> of junk.

So the next time I am moving my J210 around the office and swearing up a
storm, I really need to be swearing at drum storage era computer gurus.
`Thanks guys.`

On that note, I have an HP J210 in Fayetteville, Arkansas that could use a
good home with concrete floors.  It has 2 PA7200's running at 120MHz.  I
have bumped her up to 1.4G of RAM, and shoe horned a 36GB IBM onto the
narrow SCSI interface.  On that drive is installed a running Gentoo 2006.1
install.  It is unstable with SMP, so I don't run it.

If someone local can come pick it up, then they can have it and a 16oz Dr.
Pepper.  If you want me to mail it to you, I will expect shipping.

-Mr. Lucyen Gabbard                                           --
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