[rescue] Operating system for Axil 320

Patrick Giagnocavo patrick at zill.net
Mon Jun 11 14:41:58 CDT 2007

On Jun 11, 2007, at 3:26 PM, Sandwich Maker wrote:

> " From: ajones <ascii.letter at gmail.com>
> "
> " Solaris 8 (and its patches, IIRC) still available for download  
> directly
> " from Sun.  http://www.sun.com/software/solaris/8/
> they've changed patch access to something requiring a sunsolve account
> and password.  i have one [for a long time] and can d/l patches in my
> browser, but i can't get their getsolpatch.sh script to work; wget
> exits with an authentication error on the http url but not the https.
> i have the recommended wget and openssl.  anyone?
> i've been going around with sun support [sso#36906] since this change
> happened in late march, and they've done -nothing-.  patchpolicy
> passed me off to sunsolve, who - after two months - replied that patch
> access had changed and i should direct my questions to patchpolicy...
> i also haven't been able to get smpatch to do anything.  this may be
> the same underlying error.

I would email Jonathan Schwartz directly.  Will probably get some  
attention.  I emailed him a while back and did eventually get a  

Not being web-enabled is a bad thing in the "new" Sun, isn't it?



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