[rescue] Solaris 9 NFS client with Linux server

Mika Kongas mmk at makkeli.com
Fri Aug 10 18:28:59 CDT 2007

On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 04:35:06PM -0400, Joshua D. Boyd wrote:
> The obvious problem is that the E250 isn't all that fast[0].  It has two
> arrays, one which is good for about 15MB/s, and the other 20MB/s.  Those
> are writes speeds.  I think the read speeds are closer to 20MB/s and
> 30MB/s respectively. Either of the linux machines managed to saturate
> the E250s disk bandwidth.  The e250 runs Solaris 9, BTW.  It is 2x300
> and 1.75 gigs of RAM.

Getting significant gains out of Gigabit Ethernet does require some
oomph from the hardware. To be honest, with a 2x300 E250 you're not
really going to get very far. 

Back when we got Gig-E in the office, I was unable to get more than
just slight improvements over Fast Ethernet on early P3-era hardware. 
This was on Windows, though. 

What do vmstat/iostat&co say?

> I've noticed two things.  I'm using NFS and SCP.  I've noticed a few
> things.  First, doing a cp (over NFS) or scp from the CLI is a lot
> faster than copying a file via Finder.  Second, doing CLI copies is
> still very slow.  

I don't think you'll be able to get very good performance out of that
hardware with NFS and SCP. SCP is usually processor-limited on slow
hardware due to the encryption.

Tried jumbo frames? They might help a bit.


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