[rescue] (Offtopic) X-Message-Flag fun for Outlook users

Bryan Gurney arb_npx42 at comcast.net
Sat Jul 29 20:46:52 CDT 2006

On Sat, 29 Jul 2006 04:52:21 -0400, Devin L. Ganger <devin at thecabal.org>  

> A handful of the regular posters on this list have their mail clients
> set to tag each outgoing message with some charming X-Message-Flag
> headers in an attempt to convince Outlook users of the error of their
> ways. As an Outlook user who actually knows what he's doing and has good
> reasons for using this program, I normally wouldn't take offense.
> However, these flags don't just show up as nice little informational
> boxes on the message that I can look at and laugh; they also flag the
> message for followup. Since I'm attempting to actually use some of the
> nicer features of Outlook (including the Search Folders functionality),
> these falsely-tagged messages are starting to become more of a nuisance.

Well, at least it's not me; I use Opera for my mail client.  I am a bit  
miffed that there's nothing but Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Domino for an  
enterprise-scale email solution (email and scheduling integrated into an  
LDAP directory of personnel, to deliver all those buzzwords the C?O's  
absolutely must hear), but for me, POP3 with prudent sending usage to  
avoid spam and leaving messages on the server is working okay.

"X-Message-Flag gon' give it to ya!".

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