[rescue] question on video cards for U10

Brian Howe bwhowe at gmail.com
Tue Jan 31 11:09:53 CST 2006

What I meant was that the builtin adapter requires the sync-on-green
from a CRT display. I cannot get anything to display on the LCD from
that plug, only on the CRT, and that includes the OBP.

I was hoping that any standard PCI based adapter would work, however
having tried three older ones with no luck, I am about to give up.
This system is running FreeBSD and the cards I tried are very much
supported by BSD, so I'm not sure where the problem is.

Other folks also responded suggesting the SVR-100 card. Those are
great, except for the price. I'm on like a zero $ budget (2 kids,
mortgage) and I am trying to resurrect this U10 for a workstation for
myself. I have pieced the system together from other people's
throwaways so far.

I really appreciate the suggestions and help so far. I hope I can
either find a reasonably priced (~$20) card that will work, or figure
out how to get the existing cards I have laying about to work. Any and
all suggestions are welcome.


On 1/31/06, Jochen Kunz <jkunz at unixag-kl.fh-kl.de> wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Jan 2006 22:20:33 -0800
> Brian Howe <bwhowe at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I would like to add a video card to my U10 so that I can use my LCD
> > monitor. I know that the builtin adapter will not work with my display
> > because in needs to have sync-on-green.
> IIRC the U10 build in ATI does VGA style H/V-sync, at least Sun style
> C-sync. Or do you mean the LCD needs sync on green? In that case you
> will get the same problem with an add on PCI VGA or a UPA card.
> --
> tsch|_,
>        Jochen
> Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz/
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