[rescue] Amiga

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Wed Dec 20 00:49:11 CST 2006

On Tue, Dec 19, 2006 at 10:00:25PM -0600, Lionel Peterson wrote:
> How is the book? 

The book is *great*.  I've been reading it here while waiting for a 
consulting client to send me some stuff, and I think I'll take it to
work with me tomorrow (slack week due to the holiday, everyone's goofing

Check this out:  http://www.mrbill.net/amiga.jpg

Emulated A4000. 8-)

> a PC history book by Stan Veit that is on backorder... 

aroo?  info please.

> Hopefully I won't feel the need to expand my collection - I happily 
> ignored Amiga machines when they were current

I started out with a TI-99/4A, then had an Atari ST.. but the story of
how I got my Amiga is awesome.. I'll write it up tonight or tomorrow.


Bill Bradford 
Houston, Texas

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