[rescue] Odd SBUS cards - anyone want?

Steve Sandau ssandau at gwi.net
Sun Apr 9 20:18:04 CDT 2006

Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:
> Mon, 03 Apr 2006 @ 20:15 -0400, Phil Stracchino said:
>>I have a U2 here that I salvaged last year and haven't even gotten
>>around to putting into service yet, though I fully intend to.  Dual
>>400MHz USIIs, 2G of RAM ... that's far too nice a machine to throw out.
> That's a nice machine.  It can still have a bit of trouble loading pigs
> like Perl, but its much better than the older Suns, and does well under
> a load.

I have a SPARC20 with two 50 MHz CPUs running NetBSD. It seems to work 
all right, but I can't speak to how well it runs SMP (baby!). Both the 
CPUs get used, but I have nothing really comparable to compare with. It 
runs without problems until the power goes out. ;-) Aside from that, 
nothing stops it.

It runs Apache with some PHO code fairly quickly, but squirrelmail was 
really slow. I create thumbnail pages with jigl (perl) that is kinda 
slow, too, but that's not part of the "user experience" since I run it 
once whenever I update images. And, I figure that jigl is CPU-bound when 
it runs because it is creating thumbnail images.

Overall, I am pleased considering that it is a fairly slow machine. I 
can't imagine doing anything like that on a dual 50MHz Intel box!

I'd like to move to OpenBSD on it, but I may put the web server on an 
Ultra1 with OpenBSD instead...


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