[rescue] Video card request

Steve Haavik shaavik at soc.lib.md.us
Mon Nov 28 06:46:36 CST 2005

On Sun, 27 Nov 2005, Nick B. wrote:

> Err.  Just to warn you, I had a GF3TI200, and Civ4 was totally unplayable.  I
> had to boost all the way to a GF6200.

I've been playing it on a Radeon 9800 (I think it's the 128 meg version) 
without any trouble. It's in an Athalon-64 system with 512 megs of ram.

The forums at http://apolyton.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?forumid=228 had 
some good info about the technical issues with the game. They even have a 
list of the supported cards here.

They list the Radeon 9250 as working. I remember buying one for another 
system for around $30 sometime this summer.

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