[rescue] Somewhat off-topic, but somewhat relevant...

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Thu Sep 9 22:54:35 CDT 2004

On Thu, 9 Sep 2004, Carl R. Friend wrote:

>   What I'm after is recommendations as to what I should get next.

I've had -really- good luck with the RS/6000 version of the IBM P200.
It has a 13w3 connector and talks to everything I've thrown at it.  It
needed some coaxing with the SGIs because SGI's sense pins walk on some
of the alternate IBM sync pins, but two 13W3<->3BNC adapters and 3 BNC
T-couplers was all I needed to make things right.

However, I know at least one list member either here or on geeks has one
that -only- syncs to RS/6000s.  So, YMMV.

Jonathan Patschke )
Elgin, TX        (  "Ma'am, I can do anything.  I own a game store."
USA               )             --Gord ( http://www.actsofgord.com )

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