[rescue] OT: Looking for helpdesk app

Eric Webb ttlchaos at randomc.com
Sat Sep 4 08:50:38 CDT 2004

On Saturday 04 September 2004 12:45 am, Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:
> There are some PHP-based apps.  Depending on what you want, though,
> you may want to have a look at OpenACS (openacs.org).  They have a
> nice ticket-tracking app, plus a room-reservation app as well as
> forums and the other usual groupware stuff.

Looks pretty full.  I'm not against a big package, but learning curve is a 
small question.

Basically, they're using Yahoo Groups now and I'm trying to ween them off of 
it.  They use the following off of YG:
	* mailing list 
	* problem ticket "database"
	* project list "database"
	* file storage (spreadsheets, documentation, etc)

The YG ticket database is basically just a spreadsheet.  You don't really 
assign tickets to people, so things get lost and forgotten.  There's no sense 
of time (i.e., automatic reminders).  I'd like to be able to do better 
reporting of tickets that I can't do from within YG.  Automatic reports 
(i.e., a list of open tickets automatically emailed to the on-call guy).

Similarly, the project database is mostly just a list of tasks with a small 
"current status"...  I'd like to see for each project a list of steps that 
have been done, by who, what day, etc., as well as some basic deadline 
tracking and reminders.

As I alluded to earlier, it would be nice to have a way to manage on-call 
schedules.  But I'm starting to dream now.

Yeah, it should be simple, but I haven't seen anything simple that I'm going 
to be able to mold into what I want yet.  I'm not too worried about that part 
yet, though.


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