[rescue] Re: Next OS Disks

Mike mikedl at comcast.net
Fri May 21 19:33:28 CDT 2004

<<<It's down at the moment, but should be
back up within a couple of hours.  ftp://ishtarsgate.no-ip.org  port 666,
anonymous login.  Hope that helps.  i can probably get a copy of 3.3 Dev, I
just don't have room for it right this second.  If you really need it, let
me know and I'll see if I can make some room.>>>

First of all, thank you very much - I'm eager to check these boxes out!

I tried to get to your server (ftp -P 666 ishtarsgate.no-ip.org) and was
unable to.  I don't know if this is because it's still down or if my ISP is
blocking access to an odd port.

I would like the dev stuff if possible; I worked on these things in the early
'90s and have a bunch of old projects I'd like to bring back up just for fun.

Thanks again.

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