[rescue] Block size and the single DD

Phil Stracchino alaric at caerllewys.net
Tue Feb 10 22:54:37 CST 2004

On Tue, Feb 10, 2004 at 11:20:17PM -0500, Sheldon T. Hall wrote:
> So I've got this Solaris shell script that backs up my SGI machines to the
> spiffy new DLT tape drive on my SPARCclassic....
> The heart of the script is this line:
> 	rsh $MACHINE xfsdump -l 0 -F - $FS | dd of=$TAPE bs=$BS
> I run that on the Sun with values like
> 	MACHINE=blinky	# Indigo2 R4k
> 	FS=/dev/root
> 	TAPE=/dev/rmt/1cn	# DLT 2000xt on Sun SBUS card
> 	BS=1024k
> Now, this works, but it's so slow that the DLT tape shoeshines itself into a
> lather.

Can you physically *MOVE* enough data over a 10baseT network to keep a
DLT drive streaming?  I know a 10baseT connection will saturate before
my VXA1 drive does.  (Fortunately the VXA drive is variable-speed, so
shoe-shining ceases to be an issue.)

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 : phil stracchino : unix ronin : renaissance man : mystic zen biker geek :
 : alaric at caerllewys.net|alaric-ruthven at earthlink.net|alaric at novylen.net  :
 :   2000 CBR929RR, 1991 VFR750F3 (foully murdered), 1986 VF500F (sold)   :
 :    Linux Now!   ...Because friends don't let friends use Microsoft.    :

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