[rescue] OT: Should I Cisco Cert?

Kevin kevin at mpcf.com
Tue Feb 3 14:22:09 CST 2004

Security clearance is an issue.  One that i could fix within the
next year if i was willing to do a 12 month stint in Cuba with
General Dynamics.  An ex-military buddy of mine who works for GD,
keeps bugging me about going to work over there, but then i keep
hearing all these Exchange sever and NT PDC nightmare stories and
then i wake up in a cold sweat back in the Microsoft centric

It depends on the job and clearance necessary, but a lot of the
time you can actually work the job while your clearance is being
processed (which can take a couple of years in some cases.)  You
get a much quicker, preliminary clearance and go from there.  At
least this is how my South Comm/GD friends describe it.


On Tue, 03 Feb 2004 11:17:44 -0800
Nadine Miller <vraptor at promessage.com> wrote:

> Kevin wrote:
> > I'm considering going to school and getting my degree.  I'm
> > currently employed but i want to move on to bigger and better
> > jobs.  I've got certs, but i believe the CISSP and a decent
> > degree will help me in the future.
> This is probably not what you want to hear, but I
> think you'd be better going into the military + doing
> the above, if you are not too old for it.
> The majority of the jobs I see coming across the
> securityjobs at securityfocus.com list require, at the
> least, secret clearance.  Unless you are "Mr./Ms. Guru",
> it's highly unlikely that a company will pay to have
> you sit around while they shell out $10-20K to get
> your clearance.

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