[rescue] vinyl - wav - cd

Thomas Gallaway tgallaway at comcast.net
Sat Jun 28 16:09:30 CDT 2003

Jup the best thing would be to get a highend turntable to line 
converter. You also
can do the trick with some dj-mixer that has phono in jacks. Also you 
could just
grab a amplifier that has a phono jack and line out for recording to 
tape and then
have the amp do the converting for you. But if you plug the turntable 
directly into
your I2 that's not good. Most likely it will not work or it will sound 


> hey all - a problem is that turntable outputs are riaa equalised - so 
> you need a phono preamp or equivalent to get the right mix when going 
> into straight audio input jacks - billp
> On Saturday, June 28, 2003, at 04:42 PM, Patrick Giagnocavo 
> +1.717.201.3366 wrote:
>> On Sat, Jun 28, 2003 at 02:40:14PM -0600, dave venable wrote:
>>> A buddy just gave me a stack of classic rock albums and a very high 
>>> end
>>> turntable.
>>> Has anyone, or does anyone know the drill to get these off vinyl, and
>>> into wave format? I have an Indigo2 (teal). My guess is that I should
>>> convert the audio jacks on the I2 to 4 channels, and use the sound
>>> mixer, but from there, I am lost.
>> I would think that turntable outputs --> I2 audio jacks would work
>> just fine, no?  Then capture as a wav file.  After that, there is a
>> util that will turn it from wav into something you can burn to cd.
>> You will want to check audiopanel to be sure you are capturing at 44.1
>> or 48kHz.
>> Cordially
>> --
>> +--------------------------------------------------+
>> | Patrick Giagnocavo, patrick at zill.net             |
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