[rescue] The Awe Inspiring grandure of NJ?

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 21 15:00:49 CDT 2003

--- "Sheldon T. Hall" <shel at cmhcsys.com> wrote:
> Lionel Peterson says ...
> > Those are the only two choices - "armpit" or "awe inspiring"? I
> > feel that most of the US is less than awe inspiring...
> That "most" is because there's so much of it.

Oh, on a re-read of my earlier comment, I think I meant to say:

(if) Those are the only two choices - "armpit" or "awe inspiring",
(then) I feel that most of the US (would not make it to) awe inspiring.

I was not condemming the bulk of the US, I was trying to show that "awe
inspiring" was a lofty description that little of the US could live up

I too like CT, VT and NH, along with much else in the New England


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