[rescue] Catching up - Mach/Lunas, 2000Es, PPC/88k stuff

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Sat Jun 21 12:39:51 CDT 2003

On Saturday, June 21, 2003, at 04:51  AM, Francisco Javier 
Mesa-Martinez wrote:
> Thank you, I feel soooo understood!!! :)
> However on the "real" G5, as far as I know was that moto could just not
> produce the parts. And I believe that Apple was in dire need of 
> something
> to replace the G4. Thankfully IBM needed some entry level PPC too, so
> hence we have the "new" G5. Frankly, I believe that both apple and IBM 
> may
> be fed up with Moto, since Moto should stop pretending they give a crap
> about non embedded chips.

<Weebl> Hello...moto.....!.....errrr.........<blink>.....goodbye 
moto......when come back bring PPC!</weebl>

POWER is good pie.....try pie try.

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