[rescue] Ido Dubrawsky is famous

Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. rescue at hawkmountain.net
Mon Jun 9 02:41:40 CDT 2003

I don't recall if Panic! was written on their own time, or on Sun's time.

I knew (well, still know somewhat :-) ) Chris Drake who is a coauthor
on that book... I never did ask him details as to if it was done on
Sun's time or his own time, and how profitable/not it was to do if it
was on his own time.

I coauthored/edited/wrote for 4 chapters in a Linux book, and I think I
received about $2500... no royalties... one time payment.

I did it for the experience...  I hope to do it again someday... although
I think I'd like to do an entire book... I just haven't found an interesting
and worthy enough topic...

-- Curt

>To: The Rescue List <rescue at sunhelp.org>, The Rescue List <rescue at sunhelp.org>
>Subject: Re: [rescue] Ido Dubrawsky is famous
>From: Jeremy RJ Towers <jeremytowers at yahoo.co.uk>
>Date: Mon, 09 Jun 2003 07:38:39 +0100
>User-Agent: Opera7.10/Win32 M2 build 2840
>Well, at Sun, Kimberley Brown, co-author of Panic! the crash dump analysis 
>book, used to have a quarter stuck to her monitor - she felt she couldn't 
>spend the profits from her book all at once.
>On Sun, 8 Jun 2003 19:07:07 -0700 (PDT), Lionel Peterson 
><lionel4287 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Ido, I'm curious, how many books would rescuers need to buy to put $1
>> in *your* pocket? Just curious about the realities of book
>> authorship... I assume the bulk of any monies you will see were in an
>> advance/flat fee for services...
>rescue list - http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/rescue

Curtis Wilbar
Hawk Mountain Networks
rescue at hawkmountain.net

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