[rescue] ECC [was: Re: WOT: Ebay changes to IBM from Sun

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Fri Jul 11 14:08:49 CDT 2003

On Friday, July 11, 2003, at 02:55 PM, Scott Newell wrote:

>> Seriously, though, AutoCAD's power isn't in its slick GUI or heads-up
> One feature of its slick GUI is that usually the space bar functions 
> as the
> return key.  That and the extensive lisp customization potential leads 
> to
> the hot guns keeping the left hand on the left side of the keyboard 
> and the
> right hand on the mouse.  Just watch a good operator work sometime--it 
> can
> be impressive.
Yeah I got really quick with it in a day or so when I was doing 
security riser diagrams for my dad.


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