[rescue] ECC [was: Re: WOT: Ebay changes to IBM from Sun E10Kservers?]

Bjorn Ramqvist v53278 at g.haggve.se
Wed Jul 9 01:00:15 CDT 2003

Scott Newell wrote:
> I wonder...every once in a while I run across a discussion of what
> qualifies as a workstation vs. a personal computer'.  How about the ability
> to use ECC memory?  I rarely see lower end FeeCee class machines with ECC
> memory, yet it seems quite common on the Sun, SGI, IBM, and HP iron.

Uhm. I see the *capability* for using ECC ram on PeeCee motherboards
somewhat frequently. I don't know ANYONE who has actually bought ECC ram
for their home PeeCee machines though...


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